Steering Committee

The Steering Committee guides the strategy and planning of the Business Commission. Steering Committee members include leaders from business and civil society with expertise in a broad range of issues and industries. We are grateful to them for their engagement and support of the Business Commission. 

Peter Bakker
President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Peter Bakker is a distinguished business leader who until June 2011, was the CEO of TNT NV, the Netherlands-based holding company of TNT Express and Royal TNT Post. Under his leadership TNT rose to the forefront of corporate responsibility via a ground-breaking partnership with the UN World Food Programme and ambitious CO2 reduction targets from its Planet Me initiative, holding multiple-year top-ranking positions in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
Kathy Calvin
President & CEO, United Nations Foundation Kathy’s career has spanned the public, private and nonprofit sectors. Before joining the UN Foundation as Chief Operating Officer in 2003, she served as President of the AOL Time Warner Foundation. She previously served in senior positions at AOL, Hill and Knowlton, and U.S. News & World Report. From 1976 through 1984 she was Senator Gary Hart’s press secretary.
Joe Cerrell
Managing Director for Global Policy and Advocacy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Joe Cerrell is Managing Director for Global Policy and Advocacy at the Gates Foundation where he works with the Foundation's donor governments globally. His team expands the foundation’s partnerships with governments, corporations, foundations and non-governmental organizations to support increased engagement on global health and agriculture. Prior to the Gates Foundation, he served in numerous government and strategy consulting roles, including positions under former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and APCO Worldwide. Cerrell currently serves as a director for the ONE Campaign and Comic Relief.
John Danilovich
Secretary General, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) John Danilovich is Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce, and was formally the US Ambassador to Brazil and to Costa Rica, Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and maritime industry veteran.
Douglas Frantz
Deputy Secretary-General, OECD Deputy Secretary-General Douglas Frantz actively contributes to the strategic direction of the OECD’s development agenda, notably in the context of supporting countries in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, in cooperation with the United Nations. In addition to focusing on OECD’s regional initiatives in South East Asia, the MENA region, Latin America and Africa, he oversees the organisation's global relations portfolio as well as its activities on science, technology and innovation.
Zia Khan
Vice President for Initiatives and Strategy, Rockefeller Foundation Dr. Khan oversees the Foundation’s approach for achieving impact and realising the organisation’s mission and goals. He leads several teams in searching for new opportunities, developing strategies, and executing initiatives, and provides direction for the Foundation’s commitment to supporting new innovations. Dr. Khan’s previous roles include; working as a management consultant, partner at Booz & Company and a principal at Katzenbach Partners. Dr. Khan is the co-author of "Leading Outside the Lines."
Lise Kingo
Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact Lise Kingo is the Executive Director of the UN Global Compact and a recognised expert in corporate sustainability. Prior to joining the UN Global Compact in 2015, Ms. Kingo was Chief of Staff, Executive Vice-President and member of the Executive Management team at Novo Nordisk A/S.
David Nabarro
United Nations Special Adviser, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development & Climate David Nabarro serves as Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Climate Change. He works with Governments and other stakeholders to galvanise action on implementation of both the 2030 and Climate Action agendas. He also oversees the Secretary-General’s special initiatives, including Every Woman Every Child, Global Pulse and Zero Hunger Challenge, and the UN Office for Partnerships.
Richard Samans
Managing Director and Member of the Managing Board, World Economic Forum Richard Samans is a Member of the Managing Board of the World Economic Forum (WEF). From 2011 to 2013, he served as Director-General of the Global Green Growth Institute. From 2001 to 2011, he served as Special Assistant for International Economic Policy to President Bill Clinton and Senior Director for International Economic Affairs of the National Security Council. Since 2007, Rick has been serving as Chairman of the Climate Disclosure Standards Board.
Jeff Seabright
Chief Sustainability Officer, Unilever Jeff Seabright is responsible for driving transformational change in priority areas of Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan through advocacy and partnerships. These areas include climate change and eliminating deforestation; sustainable agriculture and smallholder farmers; water, sanitation, and hygiene; and opportunities for women. Previously, Seabright served as Vice President for Environmental and Water Resources at the Coca-Cola Company and has served as Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. State Department, based in Brussels.
Andrew Steer
President & CEO, World Resources Institute Dr. Andrew Steer is the President and CEO of the World Resources Institute, a global research organisation working in more than 50 countries to address urgent global challenges at the intersection of economic development and the natural environment. Dr. Steer joined WRI from the World Bank, where he served as Special Envoy for Climate Change and as Director General at the UK Department of International Development.
Keith Tuffley
Managing Partner & CEO, The B Team Keith Tuffley has spent more than 25 years in finance, investment banking and capital markets. He currently serves as Managing Partner & CEO of The B Team and is Founder and Chairman of NEUW Ventures SA, an entrepreneurial impact investing company that creates and finances businesses which accelerate the world’s transition to a sustainable economic system. Keith is a Director of the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, a Governor of WWF-Australia, and a Corporate Advisory Board Member of We Mean Business.
Kevin Watkins
Chief Executive, Save the Children UK Kevin joined Save the Children, after spending three years as Executive Director of the Overseas Development Institute. Previously, he held a senior academic role at the Brookings Institution, and acted as an adviser to the UN Special Envoy for Education. He spent seven years at the UN, as director and lead author of UNESCO’s Education for All Global Monitoring Report and UNDP’s Human Development Report. He is a senior visiting research fellow at Oxford University’s Centre for Global Economic Governance and a Visiting Professor of International Development at the London School of Economics.