Inspire and Activate Women’s Business Leadership for the Global Goals

This International Women’s Day (8 March 2018), WomenRising2030 is inviting your company to host a conversation on “Women’s Business Leadership for the Global Goals”—an opportunity to bring together women across your company for a meaningful discussion about your sustainability plans and how they can contribute to achieving them.

WomenRising2030, inspired by the Business & Sustainable Development Commission, aims to activate and elevate the role of women leaders in accelerating the Global Goals agenda in the private sector.. 

By hosting a conversation on "Women’s Business Leadership for the Global Goals," senior business leaders can engage women in your company by:

  • Hosting a breakfast (luncheon or coffee) to introduce the Global Goals, why they matter to your business, and how your company is working to achieve them.
  • Inviting women to step forward to ask questions and propose ideas on how they (and others) can contribute meaningfully to your Global Goals agenda.
  • Bringing in women from across your organisation, via Facebook live or teleconferencing.

To guide your conversation, we have developed a light-touch resource pack, including a comprehensive Discussion Guide, Fact Sheet, Presentation Deck and Internal Feedback Form to help facilitate your event

To obtain the toolkit simply download it from this online folder. If you would like learn more about hosting a “Women’s Business Leadership for the Global Goals” conversation or have trouble accessing the toolkit, please e-mail us at [email protected]